Friday, September 04, 2009

Work Mode + Kyla starts Daycare

You hear that? *big sighs* It's the sound of mama, returning to the work force this past week. *even bigger sighs* My heart was so sad to have to return to a full-time job, and having to give up being with my precious babies during the day. The summer was a blur- a complete blur of emotions, exhaustion, and pure love and joy as we welcomed baby Kyla and are learning more and more about her each and every day. And, we're also ALWAYS enjoying learning more about our Keifer girl- as she enhances her traits of future "diva" . Ha.

I worked for 4 days this past week- mostly organizing loose ends that I had to leave unexpectedly from last Spring *when Kyla girl made her early debut* and organizing class lists, calling parents, trying to put my classroom back together, and of course, socializing with my work friends, sharing stories as well as movie and book recommendations. Oh, and who can forget to add- take out for lunch many days (there went my plans of eating well THIS week!)

Here we are, about to embark on Kyla's first day at Elaine's house this past Monday, August 31. Keifer was excited (that day!) to have her baby sissy join her at Elaine's, although from the sounds of her awful behaviors (aka hitting, swatting, pushing), I'd say it's tough being the older sister sharing your "turf".

And just because, I rounded up the pictures we took of Keifer's first day of Elaine's house. Mama was so sad and I remember coming home and crying and throwing up in my mouth a little bit, due to the stress of having to leave my first baby girl. It wasn't THAT much easier this time, but I didn't cry this time. I did feel awfully sick to my stomach, though, even for days prior to the actual drop off. I also think Sager is having a hard time not having mama and baby home with her all day- Treble, he is just happy having some quiet in his window!

Of course, Elaine has made wonderful reports of our Kyla girl- she is having a great time (lots of reports of giggling and talking), and is doing very well there. She apparently thinks the school age kids, who were there last week, are awesome, and they in turn, thought she was "the cat's meow" :)

Our Keifer girl, leaving for her beloved Elaine's house for the first time- where she would grow into a beautiful little sassafras!

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