I'm home and we had our ET yesterday. I'm currently trying to type this while half lying down,so it'll be short & sweet. Plus, the dictator (aka Chris) is making sure I lie with my legs DOWN and will only let me out of bed to go to the bathroom.
Turns out we had 9 eggs, not 10, and out of that many, only 6 were able to be fertilized. Out of the 6, 4 took, but one stopped growing, leaving us with 3 embies, a 8 cell (*most desired*), a 6 cell and a 5 cell. The doctor transferred all of them into me, and we were able to watch on the monitor as he did so. He said basically right now, it's 50/50 of working. So please pray our little Coco, Bongo, and ... FINN? stick.
I'll write more when CJ lets me up about the entire process and how nice Valium is *snicker*
I am sending sticky sticky sticky thoughts your way. A lot of hope and good wishes (especially for multiples too! Many for the price of one!).
I'm not sure if this is helpful or not, but it was the time we had three eggs instead of one that it worked. After not having even one stick, we had all three fertilize and stick. One did not develop so we ended up with twins and I passed the other sack at 8 weeks.
Maybe these embryos just need a little friend in there in order to stick around for the 9 month party. So now they can all snuggle in and be happy for the next 9 months (especially when they get to kick up their heels and dance about on your bladder).
So I'm going to keep chanting Coco, Bongo and Finn for you guys. When is your beta? I can't wait to hear the good news.
Oh Carrie, I am sending so many good thoughts your way! Hugs and sticky vibes to you. As Grant says "yah yah, babies!"
Lots of Love!!
Congrats on the transfer, Carrie!!! I know how badly you want this to work... just keep up all the great work with relaxing. I'm praying for you as always!!
there is not one prayer I'm not saying, not one good luck charm I'm not holding.
I know this is going to be IT. I know that these babies are "Your's".
much love my friend
Carrie, I am thinking of you constantly and sending prayers. I have a good feeling about these three little guys. I hope it's right!
Yay!!!! I am so positive about this!!
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