Our Kyla girl was very alert yesterday- which makes me hopeful that a change COULD be coming soon. The nurse gave her a bath, and went over all the steps with us, since it has been a few years since we've bathed an infant (and a small one at that!). It was so fun to watch our girl get bathed, and the wonderful nurse also let us take her into one of the family lounge rooms to 1)bathe her and then 2) feed her minus any type of monitors!!! I think the scenery change did Kyla good: she was alert and looking all over the place the whole time and took 44cc's!!!!! Of course, she still needed the remaining CC's in the tube, but wow, we were impressed. The nighttime report was also positive: at 2AM, our girl drank almost 40 on her own, and then the 5AM she only did 20. But, she's moving along.

I'm off to nap here this AM - I just helped get K1 (Keifer) out the door to daycare, with Daddy off to work. I will nap for the AM, and then daddy is picking me up during his lunch to bring me to the hospital. My parents are coming down again, will pick up K1 at daycare, and bring her home for dinner. We'll get home in time to put her to bed- we try to at least put her to bed these days, since her life is about to get upset by the new sissy.
Thank you for the continued prayers and support- and thanks to our Pastor Joy, who came again to visit yesterday, and spent an hour and half holding a sleeping Kyla and just chatting with me. It was so very nice and peaceful, and Kyla clearly loved it, too, as she was out cold! :)
That last picture made me gasp — what a beautiful girl you have! Congratulations. Now eat up, Kyla!
Yay! That is how it starts...she is making great progress! Congratulations mommy! Please call if I can help at all. I am off for the weekend now. :)
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