Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Baby love, my baby love(s)

Oh boy, does our girl LOVE babies lately. She's always been very interested in a baby and comments on them whenever we are out in public. As I've mentioned, now that we know Kyla is a girl inside my tummy, we've been prepping our girl to get used to a baby in her room (in the toy pack & play) and she is really cute about making sure Kyla is where she should be (as in one of her three dolls that are "Kyla")

This past weekend, CJ and I took our girl shopping, and had a pit stop at REI (to pick out a double stroller color ~ we're going with the orange!). We saw a couple walk by carrying an infant seat, and Keifer immediately noticed: "Hi, baby!".

As we passed the couple and their baby on our way out, Keifer stopped to admire the baby ("baby sleeping!"), and as she turned away to leave, out of nowhere she said, "bye, baby, I love you!". WHAT? She said "I love you" to a complete stranger's baby! LOL. What a sweet pea. All our time spent telling our girl how much we love her is starting to hit home with her. Her love for babies is coming out.

Last night, K and I had baby ballroom. There is an infant (or more usually) in our class, and again, K is always very interested in the baby. Once again, last night, she had to check on the baby in his infant seat, and he was sleeping ("shhh, baby sleepin'"). Then, as we were dancing on the dance floor, the baby was left in his chair to sleep. K became very concerned and wanted to keep going to check on the baby, and was fine once he woke up and was in his mommy's carrier. Then, as the mom walked out onto the dance floor with the baby, K said "hi, baby" from across the room and literally blew kisses at him.

Here's hoping she's as sweet and loving to the REAL LIFE baby that comes home with us in June!

1 comment:

FinnLand said...

Lovin' the stroller choice. You are going to be one stylish mama!


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