Friday, November 07, 2008

Say "cheese"

We took K last night to get her a passport- as we are traveling to Mexico over Christmas with my parents and brother. Keifer needed to get a passport, so we did the paperwork ahead of time, but she needed her picture taken. She posed for it, sitting on a wooden stool, like a little supermodel. She was adorable. She passed the time waiting for mommy and daddy by reading Motorcycle bookmarks and reading up on the state regulations for boating in the handout manual. LOL.

Then, we came home and shared chicken and potatoes among the three of us- I swear, sometimes she'll eat better for us if she isn't IN her highchair - if she's up walking about and coming up to us for bites, she's a little piggie. The minute she knows we have food and are eating, there she is, like glue to our legs, "more, pease?".

After dinner, CJ and I quickly power cleaned the house, as Nana and Papa are coming down. Keifer assisted mommy with her dusting again, and following daddy around when he was vacuuming. I told CJ that we should get her a real life child sized vacuum so she can REALLY get into the helping mode!


Laura said...

Isaac was obsessed with his vacuum toy and still plays with it often!

Heather said...

Santa Claus brought our daughter a Barbie vacuum that really worked the one year. She loved it!!!

thoughts and ramblings said...

Carrie....we have that exact same vacuum...don't pay $90 for's way overpriced on Amazon. I got it at Toys R Us for $40 if I remember correctly. It really does work. It's so cute!



Pegs said...

Hey there, just checking in with ya! The way you write about K makes me even more excited about being pregnant!! We are about a month apart, Doc says my due date is July 11, I said 12. Funny, arguing with Doc already. Hope you are feeling well. Talk soon.

Michele (Moosh) said...

We got a cheap toy vacuum a couple of years ago for Maddie and she and Alex get a lot of use out of it at Neeno and Bumpa's! :-)

Oh, and this:
I swear, sometimes she'll eat better for us if she isn't IN her highchair - if she's up walking about and coming up to us for bites, she's a little piggie. The minute she knows we have food and are eating, there she is, like glue to our legs, "more, pease?".

That has rung true for both of my kids, and you'll probably find it to be true with Soup baby 2 as well!

By the way, you MUST rent "Young at Heart" ASAP. This is mandatory!!!!! ;-)


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