Sunday, November 09, 2008

Sickies - again *sigh*

Keifer woke up last night congested, coughing, and crying because she couldn't sleep. Oye. Here we go again. She has been feverish off and on, coughing, and her nose is a faucet. Looks like mommy is taking Monday as a sick day and her girl to the doctor. We have to get this under control. My poor girl :(
And it doesn't help that I am nothing but a slug bug lately- poor CJ has been a trooper. I'm either whining about being sick to my stomach (that hung over feeling all.the.time) or dying for a nap- which he has been kind enough to let me indulge in, even on "his" Football Sundays.
So, Doc for Keifer on Monday, and I'll have my first "regular" OB appointment with my Addie on Friday.


Jeni said...

Poor Keifer, hopefully she starts feeling better soon. Sometimes those colds just never seem to go away. Glad I am not the only one feeling sluggish lately, I think I could nap the whole day away.

Kir said...

oh I know that feeling, both of my kiddos are sick, on the mend, but on the neb treatments again. Must be the time of the year and it's so hard to be home with them, esp when you feel like you feel.
I always say that if I was PG again now, I just don't know who'd be raising my kids, but it sure wouldn't be me (LOL).
Hope you and K feel MUCH better soon, sweetie


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