Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Prayer Request

If you could, could you spare some prayers for Kerry, our possible egg donor #2? I won't get into details, but there are some things that are going on that might change the status of things with her being our donor, and she's in a hard spot right now. I really feel for her, and want her to feel good thoughts and feelings if she is going to do this, so (Kerry, I hope this is OK), please send her prayers for peace? I can't get her or the whole thought of this off my mind today.

Whatever CJ and I's path to achieving a successful PG the next time around is, well, God has it in his hands. I won't say I'm not completely numb at the thought of this whole process, because I am. My stomach is just twisted in knots, and I'm finding that after a sleepless night listening to K, I'm walking around in a daze and getting weepy at the drop of a pin. I am honestly so pissed at my own body, I could scream. Why can't this be easy for us? Why do we have to worry about finding an egg donor? Why can't my body just do what it's supposed to? And then, I find myself hoping and praying that Keifer has all of HER own eggs, because a female is born with all the eggs that they'll ever have. I think of little things like that, and I pray that my own daughter never has to feel this intense pain I feel in my heart knowing I don't have all the correct working "parts".

I am praying for Kerry and I am praying that, if its meant to be that we do an anonymous donor, so be it, and we'll find peace with that as well.


Unknown said...

the whole infertility thing just sucks. Good people should not have to go through it more than once - damn bodies.

hugs to ALL of you!!!

Unknown said...

Prayers for Kerry and hugs for all of you :(

-two lines

Summer said...

I will be hoping for good things for both you and Kerry. And I hope things work out for everyone.

Jeni said...

You will all be in our thoughts *crosses fingers, hopes for the best*

Cyn Bro said...

(((hugs))) and prayers.

Kerry said...

I will keep all of you in my thoughts, and many, many hugs sent to all of you.

~Kerry - not same Kerry as mentioned in the post ;)

kristine said...

You will all be in my thoughts. I was wondering if everything was ok with her - her blog is gone..


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