Tuesday, October 03, 2006

14 weeks -- *WHEW*

Time is flying by - thank God. I honestly never in my wildest dreams imagined I'd be lucky enough to get to this point: 14 weeks PG! And - *knock on wood*, the past few days, I've only been gaggy in the AM before work -- and I've been feeling somewhat better during the day. Possibly a tich more energy? Less nausea? I still can't think of food until I am hungry - at that exact moment, then I'll want food. Like last night, I was glancing through Sam's Club's catalog which included mostly food. I had the hugest craving for breaded cheese sticks. YUM. Where can I go to get some of those? I think Arby's or Burger King? I'm going to have to investigate that now. LOL. (*yum, Arby's, now I 'm craving a Giant Roast Beef*)

Babycenter.com tells me: Head to bottom, your baby's 3 1/2 inches long about the length of a lemon and weighs about 1 1/2 ounces. Her body's growing faster than her head, which now sits upon a more well-defined neck. By the end of this week, her arms will have lengthened and will be in proportion to the rest of her body. (Her legs still have some growing to do, though.) She's starting to develop an ultra-fine, downy covering of hair all over her body (called lanugo). Her liver starts secreting bile this week, a sign that it's already functioning properly, and her spleen starts contributing to the production of red blood cells. She's also producing and discharging urine into the amniotic fluid, a normal process that she'll keep up until birth. You still can't feel your baby's movements, but her hands and feet (which are now half an inch long) are more flexible and active. Thanks to brain impulses, her little facial muscles are getting a workout as she squints, frowns, and grimaces. She can grasp now, too, and she may be able to suck her thumb.

As early discomforts (nausea, fatigue, breast tenderness) begin to fade, you may start to regain some energy and feel more comfortable with how your body's changing. (Although the top of your uterus is only a bit above your pelvic bone, that growth may be enough to push your tummy out a bit.) Starting to show is an exciting pregnancy milestone and it will likely give you and your partner the visible evidence of a baby that you've been waiting for. Take some time to plan, daydream, and enjoy this amazing time. It's normal to worry a bit now and then, but you can also breathe a little sigh of relief knowing that with the start of this trimester your risk of miscarriage has dropped significantly. Now try to focus on taking care of yourself and your baby and having faith that you're well equipped for what's ahead.

From a lime to a lemon -- little Keifer seems to be in the development of some good lemonade. Yum, lemonade!

Here is the 14 week belly picture. I have to admit, looking at it without being covered up makes me cringe. Ewwww. I'm not digging the pictures of it. It looks and "feels" much more pretty when its covered up and starting to emerge as the "baby bump". Hopefully soon, everyone that sees it will be able to identify it as a baby bump and not "is she, or isn't she?".

I have another OB appointment today. CJ is coming with me. We are excited to hear the heartbeat again, and after this time, we plan on renting the fetal doppler. We'll also be meeting my "regular" OB, Dr. S. My other appointments have all been with Addie - but she is a nurse practitioner, not an actual "OB", so I have to see this Dr. S., because I'm supposed to see another "OB". I have to admit, before these appointments, both CJ and I get so nervous. Oye. Please pray that the heartbeat is nice and strong and we can hear Keifer.

1 comment:

Kir said...

good luck at the dr!! Hoping the heartbeat is loud and strong. I can't believe how fast the time is moving for you, but it's a wonderful journey to watch you take sweetie. More blessings every day. :)


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