Friday, September 01, 2006

Flashback to pure love and generosity

I wrote back in July, July 11 to be exact, about the love of my fellow prayer warriors on my message board. THE message board. The one where I met my egg donor - Mooshie/Michele. I thought I would share with you, the night that she presented CJ and I with the cards and money that we were so lovingly gifted.

**Warning:: you must have a Kleenex/Puffs/Generic box of tissues present to watch**

Here is the night *CLICK HERE*

here is the blog entry to recap.


Anonymous said...

Amazing........ I love your story....... Katy

littleangelkisses said...

Carrie, I haven't seen that before. I am in tears. You are in the hearts of many people. Congratulations again and thank you for letting us be a part of this wonderful experience.


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