OK- so here's the story of Kyla and her tube:
Kyla is slowing down in her feeding. The past 3 days, she has continued to LOSE weight, not gain it. The past 2 days, she has had an NG tube (click on for information), which supplements the rest of the formula that she isn't able to take in the bottle. Our girl started out eating strongly her 2nd or 3rd day, but has since slowed down. She just doesn't have the stamina to finish a bottle. As you know, I've been a weepy mess, and hearing this news makes me even weepier. She needs to eat more, so they keep upping her goal of how much to take in at each feeding. However, she keeps eating less, and so they keep having to supplement MORE through the NG tube, which to me, makes the goal that much harder to get to. (*sigh*). The doctors and nurses are fantastic there in the Special Care nursery, so we count our blessings she has a great team working with her.
Here are some pictures from today of Kyla with the tube today. Here is a video clip of her feeding as well. The other thing that worries me is that she doesn't really cry like most babies. She is so very passive, it worries me. Babies NEED to cry to develop strong lungs and muscles, so I encourage her to get mad and cry whenever I see her. Of course, someday I know I'll live to regret saying that, right? Hopefully. Here's praying for Kyla and her continued eating....... Daddy feeding his K2 girl- she was actually smiling off and on (yes, probably gas, but she was pretty darn alert today with her daddy!)

A picture of daddy holding Kyla & then the tube to her feeding machine- hard to see it, but it's on the edge of the counter, with the very thin tube from Kyla attached.

Our girls gets so worn out eating.
Mama holding our girl's feet. They make me smile- they seem SO big for a baby- with the longest toes ever. I call her legs "old man legs" because they are so wrinkly and skinny- they didn't have time to be completed with the fatty deposits!!

A big thank you goes out to my friend Allison, who took in Keifer along with her own 3 1/2 year old and 2 year old. Keifer (and mommy and daddy) were a bit hesitant about dropping her off, but once she climbed the swing set and slid down their slide in the backyard, we had lost our daughter to fun times. She had a blast, and Allison had a great report that Keifer did wonderfully with them all day. Keifer also requested a nap (unheard of in this house!!!!!!!) from Allison, and slept great for her. Wowza.
Afterwards, K1 reported to us that she was on the swing on her tummy, she kicked a ball, she played with cars, airplanes and "pushed a button". Oh, and she also went pee pee for Allison like a big girl. Of course, she had some meltdowns for us when she got home, but that's what we get,right?
Kyla is so beautiful.
I'm glad Keifer is doing well too. This has to be so difficult for all of you -- but even more difficult for Keifer as she doesn't fully understand what is going on.
I hope Kyla starts eating more soon -- please continue updating us when you can. I am thinking about you a lot!
It was so good to talk with you yesterday. Thank you for calling. You sounded so exhausted and I really appreciated you taking the time to call me. You're such a good sister. :-)
I have to get sissy Maddie to school, but wanted to say she is a GORGEOUS baby with a very strong spirit and I have no doubts she'll be home in now time!
Wish I was local so I could take Keifer Lynn for you!!!!
Love you guys so much!
Congratulations on baby Kyla!! She is just adorable and quite a big baby to be a premie. I'm sure she will be home with her family in no time! Good luck with those two gorgeous girls!!
Gloria (from the old msn ttc board)
Love all the baby pictures. Thank you for taking the time to share them with us.
Eat Kyla Eat. I'm also thinking a lot about you.
Sending you HUGE HUGS!!! Feeding issues are so hard and soooo frustrating!! I pray that she perks up and starts chugging soon! Hang in there sweetie, you are doing great!
I know how very hard it is to have your child not home with you. My prayers are with you. If you need an ear, I'm here to listen. Have you tried a paci to encourage her to suck during the tube feedings? We did this with Grant. I know your emotions are all over the place. My heart aches for you. Many hugs and good thoughts coming your way.
So cute! She really looks absolutely perfect :)
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