Sunday, March 29, 2009

28 weeks - we're in the final trimester! *gulp*

How did this happen? How did 2/3 of my PG go by this fast and I barely even knew it? Well, my body has known it, but seriously, I'm starting to get REALLY sad that pretty soon, Kyla will be outside of my body and I 'll have to share her with everyone!

I am 28 weeks and counting. Unbelievable. I finally got a prescription for the nasty heartburn that has been killing me. It's for ulcers, actually, and has taken a few days to actually kick in. I tell you, I was miserable. I pity anyone who suffers from acid reflux/indigestion on a daily basis. Oye.

Keifer has taken to wanting to do "something" with my belly when she sees it. I have no idea if she's imitating the doctor listening with the doppler and measuring my belly growth, but her new thing is to use her pretend spices or a plastic half of green pepper and put it/them on my belly for a second. Then, she'll rush back to her play kitchen, "rub" the green pepper in the fry pan on her stove, and come back and push the pepper on my belly again. Today, she took out her oven mitt and used that a few times as well. I'm not exactly sure what her objective is. LOL. When I try to put my shirt down and move, she says "no no, mama, sit down" and pulls my shirt back up. Hmm.

Kyla continues to practice her swimming and flipping skills, and last night, as my mom and I sat down together to watch some DVR'ed shows, I had her feel Kyla. Kyla was really low, on my right side, right above my pubic bone. I am not sure if it was a foot or a knee or an elbow, but whatever body part it was, it was hard and moving a LOT. It almost grossed me out- to feel it move so much whenever one of us touched her! And.....she will respond to my voice *ahhhh!*. When she is quiet, and I want to feel her, I touch my belly and say "Kyla, it's Mommy", and she'll do a little flip for me! tells me: By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds (
like a Chinese cabbage) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. She's also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.See what your baby looks like this week.

Here are the standard belly shots. As you can see, I'm as big as a house again. I'm not sure how I expanded so FAST, but I did. I think Kyla will be a big girl like her big sissy!

I know, I know. It doesnt' get any hotter than this. Pat Benatar called and wondered if I'd be in her Love is a Battlefield video. But, these splints are HOT! LOL. I wear them at night for my carpal tunnel (that isn't as bad as it was with Keifer). Keifer calls them my "owies". She'll get them from my nightstand, hand one to me and say, "here, mama, owies".

1 comment:

DMB said...

Wow, you look AWESOME! Belly only, it looks like. And nary a stretch mark. I might officially not like you anymore. ;)



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