Monday, March 17, 2008

Yay for a mommy day

Since I'm on Spring Break this week, and we're leaving for Duluth on Wednesday, I decided to take today off and make it "my day". I dropped K off this AM, hit the Fitness Pilates class (did I mention there were only 3 other women there and I felt like I had one-on-one treatment? It was awesome!). I came home, showered up, caught up on the phone with a friend, hit a movie, Miss Pettigrew Lives For a Day, starring Amy Adams of Enchanted, and the always talented Frances McDormand. It was cute, sweet, romantic comedy that I most likely wouldn't have ever saw had People magazine not given it a rave review. I liked it; and am glad I went. I had popcorn for lunch, came home and took a leisurely walk along the newly snowed upon sidewalks with the fur kids, and then caught up on some shows that we had DVRed, with Sassy Sager at my side. Oh yes, I also "played hard" with Treble, something we haven't done in quite some time. He seemed to really enjoy it.
Then I packed up the fur kids, picked up K, and let her child care friends enjoy some licks from Sass.

Apparently, because it is St. Patrick's Day, a sneaky Leprechaun visited the children during their nap time: he managed to avoid their leprechaun trap, and left them a pot of gold (chocolate, that is!). He also turned over all the green chairs, and left some leprechaun foot prints! Keifer didn't' really seem to care (LOL), but she did enjoy the nibble of her piece of chocolate!

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