Thursday, March 08, 2007

Crib positioning - where to put?

Here is a picture of our new crib - we picked it up last night from my friend Chris and his wife, and CJ put it together (with his always trusty assistant, Sassy Sager! LOL).
Anyhoo, it looks very awkward on the wall we have it - any ideas? The smaller chest behind it on the left there? Should we angle it in the corner or push the crib back into the corner (partway in front of window?). CJ doesn't like the idea of it in front of the window -(there are no strings on that side) - so I'm not sure. It is cozy (read: cramped) in there, but we have just what we need! HELP??!! (*here are pics of the whole nursery - to give you an idea of what we have in there and wall space -- disregard the clutter - it WILL be neater soon!)*
*(Treble says "thanks" - he's a very nervous guy these days- getting ready for a human sibling is tough work, especially when there are other dogs in the neighborhood to protect mommy and Sass from!)*

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