Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Starting to get happy with the scanner!

This weekend was great. CJ and I went and purchased a new KING SIZE bed -- much needed for CJ , as he has become increasingly uncomfortable in our Queen sized one. We'll be getting that delivered on Thursday!
I hit some major sales with my buddy Allison on Sunday and scored 2 sets of nice sheets for an unheard of price. I also scored 2 new pair of shoes (one for Allison, too!), and then we slobbered all over ourselves, 2 PG chicks, at Red Lobster. LOL.
The best part, and most exciting to me, was that CJ "allowed" me to start our baby registry at Target!! (www.target.com and you can see the start! YAY). I went hogwild in the books, as everybody knows I am a book fanatic. I must have been in the book section, scanning some book collections, and a few cool things, for almost 20 minutes! I scanned a few other things, mostly educational type toys, the exersaucer and the swing I know "for sure" we are liking, but we still have major things to decide on. Baby registering is SO overwhelming. I honestly never expected to feel so, so, ....Clueless! We most likely will start a registry at Babies R Us, I already started one with our names, but if we can find most of our items at Target, we'll try to stick to there. However, there are 2 high chairs we are debating on, and one of them isn't at Target, its only at Babies R Us, so we shall see!
Last night, I was chatting with my mom, as CJ and I are heading up north this Friday to visit (I have Thursday and Friday off of work), and I got out the fetal doppler for her to listen to Keifer again. Right away, the little critter's heartbeat was nice and strong. Everytime I hear that, my heart sighs in relief along with me. It was so cute, because after about a minute, the heartbeat started to fade away, so Keifer must have been doing a nighttime dance!
CJ has started reading to Keifer at night, too. So along with our little blue dog that we put on my belly and play every night, we now have daddy reading books to Keifer, too! I'm so excited , can you tell?


Kir said...

you are so cute, I love how much you are enjoying this pregnancy, it makes me so happy to think about how happy you are!!!

Laura said...

Lots of exciting things going on for you guys! Have fun!!! I know you are. :)


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