Thursday, August 28, 2008

Row row row your boat......

...I've been rowing theboat by getting back in the routine of needles in the tummy boat since Tuesday of this week. Three mornings of shots that have so far been no problem. It's a very small amount of Lupron that we're shooting into me, so it's not too big of a change (YET). CJ is enjoying his doctoring duties (again) and we're remaining optimistic that I AM going to be PG before too long. We talk about how much K will enjoy being a big sissy, as she is totally infactuated with babies of all shapes and sizes. The first thing she does when she walks into Elaine's in the morning is point out baby B. and go up to him to touch (gently, of course). Our girl is a tender heart (like her mama and daddy) and we are so excited at the possibility of having another one. Some days I wonder if I can take the stress of another child, but the thought of the love and excitement it would add to the house makes it more desired than not.

Work is going well. Because I am not on the assessment team this year, after many years of doing that as part of my job, I am feeling somewhat stress-free, as the burden of managing my time between my classroom duties/caseload and the tasks of assessing multiple new children is gone. Now, I'm working on schedules and paperwork, and figuring out how to blaze a new trail as I am teaming with an Early Childhood Family Education class this year in the afternoons. The parents of MY students will also be here for the parenting education part of the classes, and this is the first time we've teamed with the ECFE classes. The other teacher and I are very excited to work together, and the excitement and happiness of doing something new has me looking forward to the kids starting in a week and a half.

This weekend, K and the pup pups, and I, will be traveling home to Papa & Nana's to visit. Uncle Joe from Phoenix is home, and it'll be a fun-filled, family and friend packed weekend (as always). Hopefully we'll get some needed down time, too (Right, Nana?), as K is still fighting her "back to school/child care annual cold", with her little coughs all night long and drippy nose.

1 comment:

kristine said...

Have a great weekend!!
I keep thinking about you guys and those shots..hoping they really work out for you!


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