Thursday, February 15, 2007

33 weeks........

Thirty - three weeks and counting! Oh boy! tells me: This week your baby weighs a little over 4 pounds and measures 17.2 inches from the top of his head to his heels. Thanks to his recent weight gain, he's losing that wrinkled alien look. Most of your baby's bones are hardening now, but his skull is still quite pliable. It's actually in separate pieces with spaces in between. This flexible structure allows your baby's head to compress so it can fit through your relatively narrow birth canal. The pressure on the head during birth is so intense that many babies are born with a conehead-like appearance. This is totally harmless, normal, and temporary. Your baby's head will quickly take on a more rounded appearance, but his skull plates won't completely fuse until he's about 9 to 18 months old.

Keifer is continuing to flip and roll around, and the past 2-3 days, she has been rolling some sort of appendage to the left of my belly button - and it has been SORE! OWIE! Rolling over in bed has been a titch more difficult, as I can honestly FEEL her weight and body! It freaks me out! The ticker on the top of my blog page today says 48 days and I'm in shock and awe that this is all we have left! Keifer had the hiccups again on Tuesday night and CJ got to feel them! I feel like most of my maternity clothes are getting VERY snug and most of my shirts are starting to gap out on the bottom - it's almost comical! Keif certainly is gaining weight!
I had my Gestational Diabetes check up today again, and still, things look OK. The past 2/3 mornings, I've had higher than usual readings on my fasting numbers so if I get one more high number in the next few days, I have to start taking a prescription medication at night to try to lower that blood sugar.

USA Baby in Bloomington called, and our rocker and ottoman is now in, so we'll need to pick that up! YAY! The nursery is slowly but surely coming together. When the chair and ottoman are in place up there, the bed is coming out and the fur kids are going to go into depression. Oh boy. Tomorrow, I am getting my hair colored and cut for the last time before Keifer's arrival *gotta cover up all these gray haired roots, I told CJ I have to look like a hipster mama! LOL*, and then Saturday AM we are heading up north for my family baby shower! We are still driving one car, as our SUV is still getting repaired after my bang-up last week. I don't think we'll have much room in the Camry to bring stuff home.....but my parents said they'd bring a load down sometime in the near future!

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